The advantages of meditation are varied: to slow the heart rate to help concentration and memory.

But it is only in the last decades of the West that these benefits started to become well known. Although meditation has existed for thousands of years and has been practiced in many societies and religions around the world, it has been only since the 1960s that meditation has become popular in the west.

Beatles and meditation

The Beatles Infancy Visit in the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Indian Guru in the 1960s, where they learned transcendental meditation was one of many high-level reports on meditation and the benefits of meditation.

More and more scientific studies have been made on the benefits of increasingly concrete meditation and reports have been deposited on tangible benefits in mind, body and mind.

In terms of stress management, a regular meditation practice is an essential component of stress recovery.

Benefits of meditation

So, what are the benefits of meditation? What are the reasons why so many people are turning to meditation to deal with anxiety and stress, and why do so many people practice meditation around the world?

o Meditation slows heart rate: it helps calm the body and relax the mind.

o Reduces oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production: In a few minutes of starting up to meditate oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production can reduce up to 20% below normal levels.

o Raises the skin resistance to pain: Meditation helps raise the body resistance to pain and electric currents that decrease when the body is stressed or anxious. This means that if you get a typing or injured yourself, you are less likely to feel pain or react to pain.

o Increases muscle relaxation

o Reduced activity in the nervous system: the branch of the nervous system (the parasympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system) responsible for relaxing and calm that you dominate when you meditate.

o The lactate production is reduced: the lactic acid which is produced when the body muscles are hungry of oxygen (one point during exercise) and when the body is in a state of stress decreases 4 times faster. meditating that in a normal rest state. An accumulation of lactate can cause short-term fatigue and long-term energy production.

o The blood circulation increases: the blood circulation increases during meditation meaning that more oxygen is capable of reaching your muscles – it helps prevent lactate production (the lactate being produced when the muscles are hungry from oxygen) .

o Significant effect on the brain: During meditation, the brain manufactures alpha and theta brain waves. You will spend most of your day in Beta Brain, which is important to carry out daily activities, but too can drain. Regularly reach alpha and theta brain waves on a regular basis can help improve memory, increase concentration, help you relax, strengthen your energy and happiness.

Studies have shown that most children are regularly in alpha brain waves and theta (never wondered why your children had so much energy!). As children grow up, they begin to move into beta brain states. And although it is important for this to be done, it is also important, no imperative, in order to maintain your energy and reach the other advantages of meditation, access these alpha and theta brain waves.

o Meditation balances both parts of the brain: Recent research has shown that meditation helps balance the logical side of the brain and creative side of the brain. By balancing the brain, it helps to make more balanced and happier individuals.

o Meditation helps fight against depression: regular meditation (one or twice a day for 20 minutes) helps to cope with depression, reduce hypertension and relieve anxiety and migraines.

o Meditation improves concentration: Research also shows that regular meditation helps to improve your concentration, memory and creativity. Meditation while you study for exams can really help the information to enter the brain.

o Meditate for better sleep: a regular meditation practice helps improve sleep and quality of your sleep. You will find that you will sleep more deeply and will be less inclined to wake you at night. If you wake up, you will always do it, so it will be easier for you to fall asleep.

o Meditate before sleeping to wake me feel refreshed

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