Bruxism can be loosely defined as the habit of clenching or grinding your teeth. It usually involves clenching, especially at night when you’re sleeping, but it can also involve jaw thrusting and other unusual habits that put pressure on your teeth. We explain more about it on this page: People brux for different reasons. Some are able to stop once they are aware of it, while others have a harder time controlling this bad habit. Symptoms include discomfort in your jaws, headache, earaches, tender gums, worn tooth enamel, or even broken teeth. You may also notice that you clench or grind more intensely when you’re stressed out about something. There are a myriad of ways in which bruxism may affect your life. ● Bruxism can Cause you to Lose Sleep It may keep you up at night due to the discomfort experienced after teeth clenching/grinding. The bruxing action of…
How do you know you have damaged hair? The hair becomes dry and brittle, and when you brush your fingers through it, they almost surely get stuck because your hair can easily get tangled. You might also notice that your hair is prone to breakage, has split ends, and has lost its colour. Hair damage can be caused by several factors, including using hair products with harmful chemicals such as sulfates and parabens or doing excessive heat styling. Another and probably the most common cause of hair damage is STRESS! There is no doubt that taking too much stress can lead to hair loss, but it does far more than that. An excessive amount of stress can lead to hair loss and lead to severe dandruff. It can cause telogen effluvium, which causes your hair follicles to go dormant, causing hair in the middle of a hair cycle to fall…