Many individuals are horrified to learn that someone they care about is addicted to Heroin. Many people get enraged, disappointed, and perplexed, unable to comprehend how it could have occurred. Unfortunately, many people who learn that a loved one is hooked on heroin or other narcotics had it there in front of their eyes for years before they realized it. When a member of the family or acquaintance asks, “Why can’t users just quit?” It irritates many addicts. They could technically do so, but the withdrawal symptoms are severe, as well as the psychological addiction is extremely strong.
Many people are unaware that many prescription medications produce withdrawal symptoms that are nearly comparable to those of Heroin. Morphine, Oxycontin, and Vicodin are other examples. The initial withdrawal symptoms emerge 8-12 hours after the last dose of Heroin when a person chooses to go cold turkey. That’s the time to get through what’s known as “dope sickness.” During this time, a person may have flu-like symptoms. However, after a person is no longer dope sick and doesn’t have dope sick symptoms, the psychological components of the addiction are beyond gone.
Because heroin withdrawal is so unpleasant, it’s inhumane to force someone to go through it when a less painful alternative exists. After detox, an addict could go to inpatient recovery in a professional detox centre. Many past injuries can resurface during the first few days of heroin withdrawal. When the opiate is no longer in their system, their health problems resurface. A large number of drug addicts live on the streets and share needles. This puts them at a high risk of contracting HIV, Hepatitis, and other illnesses. This demands the use of a skilled detox facility.
Many rehabs offer addicts Suboxone during the first few days to help them cope with withdrawal. This makes the first part of detox more bearable. Some patients find that staying on Suboxone for a while following detox helps them avoid relapsing. Because it is rarely available without a prescription, an addict must visit a clinic, which might be inconvenient. And, because it is more cumulative than Heroin, it frequently frustrates users.
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